Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Rules of our Utopia

1.) Children under the age of 18 must attend school 4 days a week for 4 hours a day.  Students will not have to go to school on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  There will be February, April, Christmas, and Summer vacations.
  • Children need to attend school because in this society we believe that children need to have an education in order to have a successful life.  But, we also believe that children do not need to be at school 5 days a week for 6 hours a day.

2.) People can start driving at the age of 15.  They must have a leaners permit for 4 months and 60 hours of driving time to get their lisence.  After having a lisence for 2 months people can drive whoever they want in their car.
  • People are allowed to begin driving at the age of 15 because in this society 15 is a reasonable age to begin driving in order to drive to school, do errands, etc.
3.) At the age of 18 people can vote.  They must be a registered voter in order to vote.
  • People are allowed to vote at the age of 18 in this society because we believe that at the age of 18 you are mature enough to make decisions for the utopia.
4.) Parents must care for their children until the children are of at least 18 years old.
  • Parents must care for their children until the children are of atleast 18 years old because in this society we believe that no child should be abandoned by their parents at a young age. 

5.) The citizens of this utopia only need to pay income taxes.
  •  The citizens of this society only need to pay income taxes because we believe that the money should be given to the society in order to keep the society in order. 

6.) The citizens in this community that choose to work, must be of 16 years of age or older to begin working. 
  • The citizens in this community that choose to work must be of 16 years of age or older to begin working because we believe that any age younger than 16 is too young to work.
7.) There is to be no war in this society.
  • There will be no war in this society because we believe that there are different ways to settle conflicts with other people or societies without violence.  
8.) The citizens of our community are only aloud to work no more than 60 hours a week.
  • The citizens of our society are only aloud to work no more than 60 hours a week because we believe that more than 60 hours will make the citizens tired and then they will become ill if they do not get enough rest.
9.) Fellons are considered innocent until proven guilty by the court of law.  All fellons have the right to go to trial.
  • Fellons are considered innocent until proven guilty by the court of law and have the right to go to trial because in our society we believe that all people have the right to a fair trial.
10.) The citizens that have finished school, are encouraged to go to college but do not need to.
  • The citizens that have finished school, are encouraged to go to college but do not need to because in our society we believe that citizens have the right to decide if they want to go to college or not.

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