Monday, March 4, 2013

Daily Itinerary

Schedule- Monday                                                                   5/14/13

7a.m- Wake up to make coffee for me and my wife.
8a.m- take a shower, brush teeth, get lunch from the kitchen table, grab the keys, and wallet.
8:45a.m-arrive at work. head to office and get ready for work.
9a.m-5:15p.m- work, around 12 lunch break.
6p.m- I get home and am home alone for an half hour, I prepare dinner, Mondays we have pasta.
7p.m-Dinner is usually over so i help the kids with there hw.
9p.m- Put the kids to bed and head down stairs and watch tv for an half hour to catch up on what happened during the day.
9:30p.m- I go up to bed and get ready for tommorow.   

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