Monday, March 4, 2013

Journal Entry 1

Dear journal,

      Today is September 7th 2013.  My two kids Caroline and Henry just got on the school bus.  Caroline is 6 and Henry is 8.  I am off to work.  I am a registered nurse.  I work at the hospital in the emergency room.  My shift today is 7am to 12pm, then I go home and take a nap, get the kids off the bus, feed them dinner, spend sometime with my husband, rest and go back to work 9pm to 5am.  Today the emergency room is busy.  I go in and start my busy day.  My first patient today is a little girl who is about Carolines age with a broken arm.  She was so scared to get an x-ray but was a brave little girl and went and got one.  It was an easy patient to take care of.  My next patient, wasnt so easy or lucky as the little girl with the broken arm.  My next patient was a teenager about 16 years old who got into a car accident.  When the patient came in he was not responsive and barely breathing.  We did as much as we could and then the patient went to ICU to try and recover from his severe head trauma.  The rest of the day consisted of patients that were treated for dehydration and broken limbs.  At 12pm my shift ended.  I went to the grocery store got some lunch and took a nap until the kids got home.  At 3pm I got the kids off the bus, helped them with their homework and then I brought Caroline to dance class and Henry to baseball.  My husband got home at 5pm from work.  He is a paramedic and firefighter,  We ate dinner, I gave the kids baths, put them to bed, spent time with my husband, went to bed and started my next shift.

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