Monday, March 4, 2013

Journal Entry 3

David Murphy      9/20/13                                        1st day of school

      Today I was a wreck, I was all hipped up for my first day of school. I was a Junior. It was a frighting thought, I had to apply to a college and I had just started working at Dunking Donuts. I would wake up at 8 and get ready for school, which the starting bell was at 9:15. I would have english and then science than a fifteen minute break then I would head to math than last history. The ending bell would ring. I would head to my car. I would drive down towards Main Street where dunkins was, about a 15 minute drive. It was a always a close call. School ended at 12 and my shift started at 12:25. I worked from 12:25 to 5:25. It was always along day I worked everyday except Saturday. We work ended I headed home and ate dinner around five. I went up stairs and did my homework. Around 8 I watched TV and fell asleep. 

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