Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Paradise City

      We picked the name Paradise City because that's exactly what we wont our utopia to be, a paradise. What is our definition of paradise you may ask? Well our definition of a paradise is absolutely based on what your needs and thoughts are, if you have a problem we will do our best to fix it. Paradise definitely is our middle name.

Declaration of Independence

     As citizens of Paradise City, we want a communtiy that demonstrates freedom, liberty, and justice. We created Paradise City because we feel that society in general was in need of a community with fairness, relaxation, and peace. Society is full of things that do not show these things. We tried to make Paradise City an ideal society for people of all ages. Citizens should feel very safe in our utopia.
     Our society does not accept drugs, war, and violence. New citizens that are moving to Paradise City are required to be checked of their belongings for any illegal drugs. If they have any illegal drugs, then they are not allowed to live in Paradise City. Conflicts between other communites are not settled with war. They are settled with court, or proper meetings with the people in charge of those communities.
     Video games are the only thing in the communtiy that are allowed to express violence. Divorces, crimes, custody matters, or anything to do with the law, is settled in court. Wealthy citizens are supposed to pay higher income taxes than any middle class citizens because they make more throughout the year. Guns are not allowed in Paradise City. If you are caught with fire arms, you will be exiled from our society.

Utopia Motto and Seal

We picked this motto and seal because in our utopia we have no worries, no drugs or violence. We start and end everyday peacefully and ready to take on the day ahead of us, we think this motto represents our utopia very well

Utopian Animal

Our Utopian Animal

     The animal we chose for our utopia is the sun bear. We chose the sun bear because it was cute and it resembled the sun which to us resembles happiness. Also because bears resemble strength
and the strength of our community.

Rules of our Utopia

1.) Children under the age of 18 must attend school 4 days a week for 4 hours a day.  Students will not have to go to school on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.  There will be February, April, Christmas, and Summer vacations.
  • Children need to attend school because in this society we believe that children need to have an education in order to have a successful life.  But, we also believe that children do not need to be at school 5 days a week for 6 hours a day.

2.) People can start driving at the age of 15.  They must have a leaners permit for 4 months and 60 hours of driving time to get their lisence.  After having a lisence for 2 months people can drive whoever they want in their car.
  • People are allowed to begin driving at the age of 15 because in this society 15 is a reasonable age to begin driving in order to drive to school, do errands, etc.
3.) At the age of 18 people can vote.  They must be a registered voter in order to vote.
  • People are allowed to vote at the age of 18 in this society because we believe that at the age of 18 you are mature enough to make decisions for the utopia.
4.) Parents must care for their children until the children are of at least 18 years old.
  • Parents must care for their children until the children are of atleast 18 years old because in this society we believe that no child should be abandoned by their parents at a young age. 

5.) The citizens of this utopia only need to pay income taxes.
  •  The citizens of this society only need to pay income taxes because we believe that the money should be given to the society in order to keep the society in order. 

6.) The citizens in this community that choose to work, must be of 16 years of age or older to begin working. 
  • The citizens in this community that choose to work must be of 16 years of age or older to begin working because we believe that any age younger than 16 is too young to work.
7.) There is to be no war in this society.
  • There will be no war in this society because we believe that there are different ways to settle conflicts with other people or societies without violence.  
8.) The citizens of our community are only aloud to work no more than 60 hours a week.
  • The citizens of our society are only aloud to work no more than 60 hours a week because we believe that more than 60 hours will make the citizens tired and then they will become ill if they do not get enough rest.
9.) Fellons are considered innocent until proven guilty by the court of law.  All fellons have the right to go to trial.
  • Fellons are considered innocent until proven guilty by the court of law and have the right to go to trial because in our society we believe that all people have the right to a fair trial.
10.) The citizens that have finished school, are encouraged to go to college but do not need to.
  • The citizens that have finished school, are encouraged to go to college but do not need to because in our society we believe that citizens have the right to decide if they want to go to college or not.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Governing Body

     Our utopia is a monarchy. There is one ruler in charge of the whole utopia. They only are allowed to make decisions based on what is best for the citizens of Paradise City. These decisions include anything that have to do with the safety of the citizens, and anything related to citizens' rights. Before the ruler makes a final decision, the citizens are allowed to vote about what they want. It is anonymous voting. All of the votes will be sent to the ruler, and he/she will make the final decision.

Invitation to Friends

Dear friends,
     You have been invited to live in our utopia Paradise City. It is a real paradise, and I know you will all enjoy it. You can relax, and do lots of fun things, like snorkling, or skiing. Of course, you would still have to go to school. But, school is for your absolute benefit to succed in life!! You can come whenever you decide, but just remember, that if you are looking for a place to live, Paradise City is the best place to be!

Paradise City

Journal Entry 1

Dear journal,

      Today is September 7th 2013.  My two kids Caroline and Henry just got on the school bus.  Caroline is 6 and Henry is 8.  I am off to work.  I am a registered nurse.  I work at the hospital in the emergency room.  My shift today is 7am to 12pm, then I go home and take a nap, get the kids off the bus, feed them dinner, spend sometime with my husband, rest and go back to work 9pm to 5am.  Today the emergency room is busy.  I go in and start my busy day.  My first patient today is a little girl who is about Carolines age with a broken arm.  She was so scared to get an x-ray but was a brave little girl and went and got one.  It was an easy patient to take care of.  My next patient, wasnt so easy or lucky as the little girl with the broken arm.  My next patient was a teenager about 16 years old who got into a car accident.  When the patient came in he was not responsive and barely breathing.  We did as much as we could and then the patient went to ICU to try and recover from his severe head trauma.  The rest of the day consisted of patients that were treated for dehydration and broken limbs.  At 12pm my shift ended.  I went to the grocery store got some lunch and took a nap until the kids got home.  At 3pm I got the kids off the bus, helped them with their homework and then I brought Caroline to dance class and Henry to baseball.  My husband got home at 5pm from work.  He is a paramedic and firefighter,  We ate dinner, I gave the kids baths, put them to bed, spent time with my husband, went to bed and started my next shift.

Journal Entry 2

Dear Journal,
     This summer has gone by so fast. I'm upset that it is almost over. For now, I just need to relax while it lasts. So, today my friends and I went to the beach. I woke up at about 9 o'clock, called my friends Zack, Karin, Somaiya, Evelynn, and Sam, and we planned on going to the beach at 10. So, I packed a lunch, and got my bathing suit on. Then I drove to my friends' house and got them, and we all drove to this awesome beach. I went swimming almost the entire time. When I wasn't swimming, I was laying on the lawn chair with a towel over me because I didn't want to get a bad sun burn. Some of my friends went snorking and saw beautiful fish. I went with them as well, and saw clown fish, baby turtles, and sting rays. Snorkling is my favorite thing to do in the ocean. It is so fasinating to go snorkling, I love it!! After snorkling, we ate lunch, and we headed home. It was about 1 o'clock when we ate lunch. I dropped my friends off at home, and we planned to get cleaned up and come to my house to watch movies. My friends came over my house at 7, and we started watching a bunch of classic movies like The Breakfast Club. That's my favorite movie! My friends slept over because we didn't finish watching movies until 1 in the morning. This was one of my favorite days of the summer.

                                With Love,


Journal Entry 3

David Murphy      9/20/13                                        1st day of school

      Today I was a wreck, I was all hipped up for my first day of school. I was a Junior. It was a frighting thought, I had to apply to a college and I had just started working at Dunking Donuts. I would wake up at 8 and get ready for school, which the starting bell was at 9:15. I would have english and then science than a fifteen minute break then I would head to math than last history. The ending bell would ring. I would head to my car. I would drive down towards Main Street where dunkins was, about a 15 minute drive. It was a always a close call. School ended at 12 and my shift started at 12:25. I worked from 12:25 to 5:25. It was always along day I worked everyday except Saturday. We work ended I headed home and ate dinner around five. I went up stairs and did my homework. Around 8 I watched TV and fell asleep. 

Daily Itinerary

Schedule- Monday                                                                   5/14/13

7a.m- Wake up to make coffee for me and my wife.
8a.m- take a shower, brush teeth, get lunch from the kitchen table, grab the keys, and wallet.
8:45a.m-arrive at work. head to office and get ready for work.
9a.m-5:15p.m- work, around 12 lunch break.
6p.m- I get home and am home alone for an half hour, I prepare dinner, Mondays we have pasta.
7p.m-Dinner is usually over so i help the kids with there hw.
9p.m- Put the kids to bed and head down stairs and watch tv for an half hour to catch up on what happened during the day.
9:30p.m- I go up to bed and get ready for tommorow.   


This is part of crystal beach with crystal clear
This is from one of our gardens over looking the coast.

This is the second part of crystal beach with
crystal clear water.

This is Paradise City our utopia it is on the coast as you can see
it is a very beautiful place.